I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

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I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by illarraza »

...but I hear, he himself left the the (modern) Kempon Hokke for their aberrant principles and practices. Either way, He wrote presciently:

"Let's do Shakubuku to SGI and Nichiren Shoshu to save their believers.

Nichiren Shoshu insists that the teachings of the Buddha Shakyamuni are useless and that other schools which don't adore Nichiren shonin as the true Buddha are heretic religions. This doctrine which has been used by SGI to brainwash many people is very evil and nonsense. Not only SGI's believer but also Nichiren Shoshu's believers repeat these lies constantly and disregard facts, then revile you even if you correct the mistakes of them with many sources for evidence.

Prof. Koichi Miyata who is a Buddhist scholar of Soka university announced at the 74th scientific congress of religion which was held in Soka university in 2015, "We should abandon Nichiren Honbutsu-ron which has been established by forged letters and non-authentic works of Nichiren", "Nichiren shonin clearly worshiped the Buddha Shakyamuni". However, he was scolded by the upper echelons of SGI and canceled his announcement after that, saying "I'm sorry, it was my personal opinion".That is to say, the doctrine of SGI is collapsing. If believers of SGI say "We are right, and you are wrong", let's say to them "You should argue with Prof. Koichi Miyata of SGI".

The Bible of Shakubuku (1951), 折伏教典, supervised by Daisaku Ikeda had been published to train believers for decades. SGI was one of believer's organizations of Nichiren Shoshu.

SGI (Soka Gakkai) taught that;
"Shakyamuni's dharma is the dharma of the past and no longer beneficial". (折伏教典,The Bible of Shakubuku, supervised by Daisaku Ikeda)


Nichiren taught;
The Lotus Sutra is identical to Shakyamuni Buddha,who would enter Nirvana and never appear in front of those who do not believe in the Lotus Sutra but would always appear in front of those who believe in the Lotus Sutra as if he were alive in this world even after death.(Shugo Kokka-ron)

Nichiren taught;
Buddhists rebel against Lord Buddha Shakyamuni while reciting His Lotus Sutra. The unfilial country referred to is this country of Japan.(Soya Nyudo-dono-gari Gosho)

Buddhism is the teachings of mind, the teachings of the Buddha Shakyamuni who existed in the society 2500 years ago. He made efforts to remove sufferings from all people. There is no difference between people of 2500 years ago and present people, on the mind. Except for the teachings of the Buddha Shakyamuni is not Buddhism. If you study Buddhism rightly, the Buddha Shakyamuni exists in your mind and preaches the wisdom and the dharma. The Lotus Sutra is what proves the real existence of the Buddha Shakyamuni. Why don't you think about it?

SGI (Soka Gakkai) taught that;
"It is necessary to realize that we no longer have a connection to Shakyamuni's Buddhism." (折伏教典, The Bible of Shakubuku supervised by Daisaku Ikeda)


Nichiren taught;
We, sentient being in this Saha World, have all been beloved children of the Lord Buddha Shakamuni since "500 dust-particle kalpa" ago. (Hokke Shuyo sho)

Nichiren taught;
The nation of Japan today has turned its back on the Lotus Sutra and cast aside Shakyamuni Buddha. For that reason, its people are not only bound to fall into the great citadel of the Avici Hell in the next existence, but they will surely encounter great troubles in their present existence as well. (Letter to Ichinosawa Nyudo)

The Buddha Shakyamuni expounded the teachings to save all human beings. The Buddha Shakamuni is eternal. The eternal Buddha Shakyamuni is the only father for all human beings. If you seek His teachings and practice it, you become a disciple of the Buddha Shakyamuni. Nichiren shonin and all priests of other sects, also all Buddhists are disciples of the Buddha Shakyamuni. Needless to say, those who have no connection to the Buddha Shakyamuni are not Buddhist. Nichiren shonin risked a life and appealed, "You must not forget the compassionate teachings of the Buddha Shakyamuni." Why don't think about it?

SGI (Soka Gakkai) taught that;
"You should know that Nichiren Daishonin is the only true Buddha in Mappo-era." (折伏教典, The Bible of Shakubuku supervised by Daisaku Ikeda)

"Buddha Shakyamuni is inferior to the true Buddha Nichiren." (折伏教典, The Bible of Shakubuku supervised by Daisaku Ikeda)


Nichiren taught;
There are three reasons why Shakyamuni Buddha has a relationship with all the people of this Saha world. First of all he is the World-Honored One, the sovereign of the people of this Saha world. The second reason is that Shakyamuni Buddha is the father and mother of all persons in this Saha world. The third reason is that Shakyamuni is the original teacher of all persons in this Saha world. (Zenmui Sanzou Sho)

Nichiren taught;
Although I myself may be insignificant, I propagate the Lotus Sutra and therefore am the envoy of Shakyamuni Buddha. (Shujyu Onfurumai Gosho)

The Lotus Sutra is what reveals that the Buddha Shakyamuni is the original eternal Buddha.

Nichiren shonin says in Kaimoku-sho, Open Your Eyes,

"I will never break my vow to become the pillar of Japan, to become the eyes of Japan, and to become a great vessel for Japan."

It is a vow to fulfil the Buddha Shakyamuni's mission as a Bodhisattva. But SGI distorts this sentence, and insists on that it is a declaration of Nichiren as the original Buddha. It is an inverted doctrine to slander the founder of Buddhism that rebels against Nichiren's vow. Why don't think about it?

SGI (Soka Gakkai) taught that;
"The Lotus Sutra which is the long-cherished wish of Buddha Shakyamuni is no longer valid in this era, not in the least." (折伏教典, The Bible of Shakubuku, supervised by Daisaku Ikeda)


Nichiren taught;
The Lotus Sutra alone among them represents the true words of our Lord Shakyamuni Buddha. It is also the true words of various Buddhas residing in the world throughout the universe in the past, present, and future. (Kaimoku-sho, Open Your Eyes)

Nichiren taught;
No matter what happens, abandoning the Lotus Sutra will cause us to be plunged into hell. (Kaimoku-sho, Open Your Eyes)

In Senji-sho, Nichiren shonin points out that Zen Master San-Chiai who said "The Lotus Sutra of Lord Shakyamuni Buddha does not fit the intelligence and faith of people in the Latter Age of Degeneration" lost his voice and transformed himself into a large snake, which swallowed a number of disciples, followers, girls and virgin women. And Nichiren shonin says that, the fallacy of Shan-tao and Honen of the Pure Land School, who say that not even one out of one thousand will attain Buddhahood by putting his faith in the Lotus Sutra in the Latter Age of Degeneration, is not different from San-Chiai's evil doctrine. Namu Myoho Renge kyo is the vow to devote yourself to the Lotus Sutra of Lord Shakyamuni Buddha. But SGI says that the Lotus Sutra of the Lord Buddha Shakyamuni is useless in the Latter Age of Degeneration. Why don't you think about it?

SGI (Soka Gakkai) taught that;
"If you don't worship the Gohonzon of Nichiren Shoshu / SGI, you will get no well-being in the age of Mappo." (折伏教典, The Bible of Shakubuku, supervised by Daisaku Ikeda)


Nichiren shonin taught;
The features of the Honzon; The Buddha Shakyamuni and the Buddha of Many Treasures sit to the left and right of the Lotus Sutra (Myoho renge kyo) in the stupa of treasure suspended in the sky above the Lord Shakyamuni's Saha World. The attendants for the Buddha Shakyamuni are four Bodhisattvas such as Superior Practice. (Kanjin Honzon-sho)

Nichiren shonin taught;
The first is Most Venerable One (Honzon). All the people in Japan as well as the rest of the whole world should revere the Lord Buddha Shakyamuni of the essential section as the Most Venerable one. That is to say, the Most Venerable One should be the Buddha Shakyamuni, the Buddha of Many Treasures in the Stupa of Treasures, and the other Buddhas standing outside the stupa. And four Bodhisattvas such as Superior Practice Bodhisattva should be their attendants. (Hoon-jo, Essay on Gratitude)

Gohonzon is the object of worship. Nichiren Shoshu uses Mandala written by Nichiren shonin, but it has already turned out to be a forgery. Nikko stayed in Kitayama Honmonji for 36 years. Therefore, there is Nikko's grave in Kitayama Honmonji. Nichi-jyo of Kitayama Honmonji who was the same generation of Nichi-u of Taisekiji said that Nichi-u carved a wooden Gohonzon which he had never seen nor heard. Taiseki-ji was a small branch temple. SGI excommunicated by Nichiren Shoshu is now distributing Gohonzon written by Nichiren Shoshu's priest Nichikan who established the doctrine of Shu-Datsu Sotai.

The doctrine of Shu-Datsu Sotai which says that the Lotus Sutra of the Buddha Shakyamuni is useless and only the Daimoku of the true Buddha Nichiren is effective, is based on the following complete fake story made by them;

Shakyamuni, the historical founder of Buddhism who lived in India three thousand years ago, predicted in the Great Collection Sutra (Daijuku Sutra) that the world would enter an age of strife and discord two thousand years after his death, an age when philosophy and religion would be disordered and confused. At that time the Buddhism taught by Shakyamuni would lose its effectiveness to save the people. He called this age Mappo, or the Latter Day of the Law, when, as the Great Collection Sutra stated, “the Pure Law would become obscured and lost.” However, Shakyamuni made an additional prediction in the Lotus Sutra. He predicted the appearance of True Buddhism for the age of Mappo that would replace the Buddhism of Shakyamuni, and that the Original (True) Buddha, the fundamental master of all Buddhas, would appear in the world to teach this True Buddhism. Why should Shakyamuni’s Buddhism lose its effectiveness? Why would the appearance of a new Buddhism be necessary? The reason is that although Mappo is an age when the material aspects of civilization are much more highly advanced than when Shakyamuni lived, it is also an age when the hearts of the people have become corrupt. Shakyamuni’s Buddhism has no power to help them. Regarding this, the True Buddha, Nichiren Daishonin, stated;“Medicine differs according to the illness. Ordinary medicine will help a slight ailment, but for grave illness, elixir should be used.”

Their doctrine of "Shu-Datsu Sotai" is still being placed in SGI's and Nichiren Shoshu’s official sites of Japan. Why don't you chant Daimoku toward the authentic Gohonzon written by Nichiren shonin, not the Gohonzon written by Nichikan?

SGI (Soka Gakkai) taught that;
"All other schools except Nichiren Shoshu are evil religions and exert a pernicious influence on society. (折伏教典, The Bible of Shakubuku, supervised by Daisaku Ikeda)

"The teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni are as useless as last year's calendar. If you use it, your life will surely fail as a logical result." (折伏教典, The Bible of Shakubuku, supervised by Daisaku Ikeda)

"The family which believes in the so-called Nichiren-shu will have children who have deformities, mental retardation or madness." (折伏教典, The Bible of Shakubuku, supervised by Daisaku Ikeda)

Please consider it calmly. Why is Nichiren Shoshu / SGI which slanders the teachings of the Buddha Shakyamuni the only right sect of Buddhism? They needed to abuse other sects exhaustively to increase believers.

It is one of the simple and skillful tricks of SGI that they say together "Your desire has not been realized, because your faith to Daimoku is weak and your effort to do Shakubuku is not enough." Then, they say "Look! Your desire has been realized, because your faith to Daimoku was strong and your effort to do Shakubuku was enough." By this trick, most of people will believe completely that the practice of SGI is right. They devote themselves to SGI and the president Ikeda Daisaku. They are not able to hear other's opinion anymore.

SGI quotes the following Gosho;
We are presently living in the Latter Age of Degeneration. The Lotus Sutra and other sutras are no longer efficacious in bringing about enlightenment. Only the Odaimoku can accomplish this. (Ueno-dono Gohennji, A Reply to Lord Ueno)

In this Gosho, Nichiren shonin said that Daimoku is the most important thing of the Lotus Sutra taught by the Buddha Shakyamuni. Therefore, those who are not able to understand the deep thought of the Lotus Sutra can become a Buddha by keeping Daimoku, too. Nichiren shonin never denied the Lotus Sutra of the Buddha Shakyamuni itself. Although this Gosho is not authentic, SGI use this Gosho to insist on that even the Lotus Sutra of the Buddha Shakyamuni is useless. But you should refer to the following authentic Gosho.

My disciples who believe the Lotus Sutra are in the favorable condition, but many others in Japan are not. For those people who protest against the Buddha Shakyamuni and his doctrine, only the five characters of Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo will be effective for them. (Hokke Shuyo-sho)

That is to say, Nichiren shonin said that it is not effective to explain about the doctrine of the Lotus Sutra or other sutras to those who were brainwashed by other wrong schools. And he said that only Daimoku is effective for those blind people, as reverse opportunity.

SGI (Soka Gakkai) taught that;
There was an ignorant criticism in the world that SGI was a cult religion having an ambition of independence by exploiting Nichiren shoshu. (折伏教典, The Bible of Shakubuku, supervised by Daisaku Ikeda)

We have already formed a political party, the Komei, and are now realizing the fusion of politics and Buddhism. Also, we are establishing the third civilized society step by step…in all realms such as the economy, the education and the culture. (折伏教典, The Bible of Shakubuku, supervised by Daisaku Ikeda)

Ikeda's SGI tried to control Nichiren Shoshu, but they become aware of Ikeda's ambition and excommunicated him and his SGI in 1991. Many believers of SGI decided to remain Nichiren Shoshu, but most of believers who were brainwashed to worship Ikeda's personality started to slander the priesthood of Nichiren Shoshu. It is the history of the war between SGI and Nichiren Shoshu.

Nichiren shounin claimed that the Buddha Shakyamuni is the original eternal Buddha who has three merits of the sovereign, the teacher, and the parent, saying in Kaimoku-sho (Open Your Eyes) that "All the people should respect these three persons. They are the sovereign, the teacher, and the parent." and "The Buddha Sakyamuni is the supreme teacher for all beings. He is the excellent eyes for all the people. He is the great bridge that enables them to cross the river. He is the superior skipper who guides them. He is the fertile field in which they plant the seed of merits." Then, Nichiren shounin declared to make efforts as a true disciple of the Buddha Shakyamuni, saying that "I will never break my vow to become the pillar of Japan, to become the eyes of Japan, and to become a great vessel for Japan." However, SGI distorts and says that this is the declaration of Nichiren Daishonin who has the merits of the sovereign, the teacher, and the parent, as the true Buddha in the latter days.

Please see the followings which were propagated by Dai-Byaku-renge, the magazine of SGI;

The virtue of the sovereign; Only Ikeda sensei who protects Japan and the whole world has the virtue of the sovereign in the present.

The virtue of the teacher; Only Ikeda sensei who is our teacher has also the virtue of the teacher.

The virtue of the parent; Only Ikeda sensei who prays for the happiness of SGI members has also the virtue of the parent.

You will be able to understand their intention easily. SGI expanded their power by using the doctrine of Nichiren Shoshu, and pushed forward with the personality cult of Ikeda Daisaku. It is said that all of books of Ikeda Daisaku has been written by ghostwriters. And the Komei party of SGI has become the ruling coalition with the Liberal Democratic Party which was tempted with huge votes of SGI believers. So, SGI has a strong influence with the politics, the economy, the education and the mass media. The crisis appealed in Rissho Ankoku-ron of Nichiren shonin has become realistic, now.

Namu Myoho renge kyo was given to Nichiren Shonin by the Buddha Shakyamuni, to propagate the Lotus Sutra, Myoho renge kyo, which teaches the eternal Buddha Shakyamuni always guides you. Namu Myoho renge kyo written in the center of Gohonzon was given to Nichiren shonin and us, by the Buddha Shakyamuni. Myoho Renge Kyo means that this world is always guided by the Buddha Shakyamuni who is eternal. It is the Dharma. If you chant Namu Myoho renge kyo and ask the Buddha Shakyamuni in your mind, you can always hear correct teachings from Him. Our Buddha natures are revived by the mind which believes the Lotus Sutra of the Buddha Shakyamuni. That is Namu Myoho renge kyo. The Buddha Shakyamuni ordered His true disciples to spread this Namu Myoho renge kyo. Therefore, if you believe the Lotus Sutra and spread Namu Myoho renge kyo, you can become the true disciple of the Buddha Shakyamuni and realize the true existence of the Buddha Shakyamuni in your mind. I hope SGI believers open their eyes to the truth and spend a wonderful life without committing a sin.
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Re: I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by Shotenzenjin »

So you were excommunicated from the Kempon hokke? Or was it sgi? Or both?
Generation's shall pass, our determination shall grow, at the foot of Mount Fuji
Like smoke that reaches far beyond the clouds.--nichimoku shonin. Third high priest of Nichiren Shoshu

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Re: I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by illarraza »

We can conclude that the Nichiren Shoshu and to a greater or lesser extent, the Soka Gakkai still upholds these aberrant doctrines.
Last edited by illarraza on Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by narhwal90 »

Not arguing that the "Bible of Shakabuku" exists, apparently from where those quotes are taken, but its copyright 1951, and is not published or distributed by SGI these days. Its been almost 70 years since it was published, things have changed since then.

Daibyakurenge is indeed a SGI publication, sure would be interesting to see the edition with those quotes, and their context ie is it current doctrine or a historical reference.
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Re: I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by illarraza »

Shotenzenjin wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:49 pm So you were excommunicated from the Kempon hokke? Or was it sgi? Or both?
No one can stop me from following in the footsteps of Lord Shakyamuni Buddha (Lotus Sutra/Gohonzon), Nichiren Daishonin, Nichiju Shonin, the Martyr Nikkyo*, and Nisshen, the "Pot Headed" Monk. I advise you to do the same.

Nikkyo too was excommunicated for 150 long years before being "rehabilitated". He caused too many problems for the Kempon Hokke by following in the footsteps of Nichiren and performing the forceful shakubuku and fuju fuse** practices.

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Re: I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by Shotenzenjin »

illarraza wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:56 pm
Shotenzenjin wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:49 pm So you were excommunicated from the Kempon hokke? Or was it sgi? Or both?
No one can stop me from following in the footsteps of Lord Shakyamuni Buddha (Lotus Sutra/Gohonzon), Nichiren Daishonin, Nichiju Shonin, the Martyr Nikkyo*, and Nisshen, the "Pot Headed" Monk. I advise you to do the same.

Nikkyo too was excommunicated for 150 long years before being "rehabilitated". He caused too many problems for the Kempon Hokke by following in the footsteps of Nichiren and performing the forceful shakubuku and fuju fuse** practices.

Alright I'll take that to mean both

Are you a member of any sect/school now?
Generation's shall pass, our determination shall grow, at the foot of Mount Fuji
Like smoke that reaches far beyond the clouds.--nichimoku shonin. Third high priest of Nichiren Shoshu

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Re: I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by tkp67 »

All disciples and lay supporters of Nichiren should chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with the spirit of many in body but one in mind, transcending all differences among themselves10 to become as inseparable as fish and the water in which they swim. This spiritual bond is the basis for the universal transmission of the ultimate Law of life and death. Herein lies the true goal of Nichiren’s propagation. When you are so united, even the great desire for widespread propagation can be fulfilled. But if any of Nichiren’s disciples disrupt the unity of many in body but one in mind, they would be like warriors who destroy their own castle from within.
If the spirit of many in body but one in mind prevails among the people, they will achieve all their goals, whereas if one in body but different in mind, they can achieve nothing remarkable. The more than three thousand volumes of Confucian and Taoist literature are filled with examples. King Chou of Yin led seven hundred thousand soldiers into battle against King Wu of Chou and his eight hundred men.2 Yet King Chou’s army lost because of disunity while King Wu’s men defeated him because of perfect unity. Even an individual at cross purposes with himself is certain to end in failure. Yet a hundred or even a thousand people can definitely attain their goal, if they are of one mind. Though numerous, the Japanese will find it difficult to accomplish anything, because they are divided in spirit. In contrast, although Nichiren and his followers are few, because they are different in body, but united in mind, they will definitely accomplish their great mission of widely propagating the Lotus Sutra. Though evils may be numerous, they cannot prevail over a single great truth, just as many raging fires are quenched by a single shower of rain. This principle also holds true with Nichiren and his followers.
IN your letter you asked how the retribution varies according to the degree of slander against the correct teaching. To begin with, the Lotus Sutra was taught to lead all living beings to the Buddha way. Only those who have faith in it, however, attain Buddhahood. Those who slander it fall into the great citadel of the hell of incessant suffering. As the sutra states, “If a person fails to have faith but instead slanders this sutra, immediately he will destroy all the seeds for becoming a Buddha in this world. . . . When his life comes to an end he will enter the Avīchi hell.”1

There are many degrees of slander: shallow and profound, slight and heavy. Even among those who embrace the Lotus Sutra, very few uphold it steadfastly both in mind and in deed. Few are the practitioners who are able to uphold this sutra. But those who do will not suffer serious retribution even if they have committed minor offenses against the sutra. Their strong faith expiates their offenses as surely as a flood extinguishes tiny fires.

The Nirvana Sutra states: “If even a good monk sees someone destroying the teaching and disregards him, failing to reproach him, to oust him, or to punish him for his offense, then you should realize that that monk is betraying the Buddha’s teaching. But if he ousts the destroyer of the Law, reproaches him, or punishes him, then he is my disciple and a true voice-hearer.”

This admonition urged me on, and I spoke out against slander in spite of the various persecutions I faced, because I would have become an enemy of the Buddha’s teaching if I had not.

Slander can be either minor or serious, however, and sometimes we should overlook it rather than attack it. The True Word and Tendai schools slander the Lotus Sutra and should be severely rebuked. But without great wisdom it is hard to differentiate correctly between their doctrines and the teachings that Nichiren spreads. Therefore, at times we refrain from attacking them, just as I did in On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land.2

Whether or not we speak out, it will be difficult for those who have committed the grave offense of slander to avoid retribution. Our seeing, hearing, and making no attempt to stop slander that, if we spoke out, could be avoided, destroys our gifts of sight and hearing, and is utterly merciless.

Chang-an writes, “If one befriends another person but lacks the mercy to correct him, one is in fact his enemy.”3 The consequences of a grave offense are extremely difficult to erase. The most important thing is to continually strengthen our wish to benefit others.

p.626When a person’s offense is minor, admonishment is sometimes called for, but at other times it may be unnecessary, for there are those who may correct themselves without being told. Reprove a person for slander when necessary, so that you can forestall for both of you the consequences of an offense. Then, you should forgive that person. The point is that even minor slanders may lead to serious ones, and then the effects one must suffer would be far worse. This is [what Chang-an means when he writes], “One who rids the offender of evil is acting as his parent.”4

Many such examples of slander are also found among Nichiren’s disciples and lay believers. I am sure that you have heard about the lay priest Ichinosawa. Privately he is considered one of Nichiren’s followers, but publicly he still remains in the Nembutsu school. What should be done about his next life? Nevertheless, I have presented him with the ten volumes of the Lotus Sutra.5

Strengthen your faith now more than ever. Anyone who teaches the principles of Buddhism to others is bound to incur hatred from men and women, priests and nuns. Let them say what they will. Entrust yourself to the golden teachings of the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha, T’ien-t’ai, Miao-lo, Dengyō, and Chang-an. This is what is signified by the expression, “practicing according to the Buddha’s teachings.” The Lotus Sutra reads, “If in that fearful age one can preach this sutra for even a moment, [one will deserve to receive alms from all heavenly and human beings].”6 This passage explains that in the evil age of the Latter Day of the Law, when evil persons stained by the three poisons prevail, anyone who believes in and upholds the correct teaching, for even a short time, will receive offerings from heavenly and human beings.

Now you should make a great vow and pray for your next life. If you are disbelieving or slander the correct teaching even in the slightest, you will certainly fall into the great citadel of the hell of incessant suffering. Suppose there is a ship that sails on the open sea. Though the ship is stoutly built, if it is flooded by a leak, those on the ship are sure to drown together. Though the embankment between rice fields is firm, if there is an ant hole in it, then surely, in the long run, it will not remain full of water. Bail the seawater of slander and disbelief out of the ship of your life, and solidify the embankments of your faith. If a believer’s offense is slight, overlook it, and lead that person to obtain benefits. If it is serious, encourage him to strengthen his faith so that he can expiate the sin.
“Medicine King, if there should be an evil person who, his mind destitute of goodness, should for the space of a kalpa appear in the presence of the Buddha and constantly curse and revile the Buddha, that person’s offense would still be rather light. But if there were a person who spoke only one evil word to curse or defame the lay persons or monks or nuns who read and recite the Lotus Sutra, then his offense would be very grave.
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Re: I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by tkp67 »

illarraza wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:56 pm
Shotenzenjin wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:49 pm So you were excommunicated from the Kempon hokke? Or was it sgi? Or both?
No one can stop me from following in the footsteps of Lord Shakyamuni Buddha (Lotus Sutra/Gohonzon), Nichiren Daishonin, Nichiju Shonin, the Martyr Nikkyo*, and Nisshen, the "Pot Headed" Monk. I advise you to do the same.

Nikkyo too was excommunicated for 150 long years before being "rehabilitated". He caused too many problems for the Kempon Hokke by following in the footsteps of Nichiren and performing the forceful shakubuku and fuju fuse** practices.

They didn't shakabuku Nichiren's sangas or lay people who followed them
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Re: I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by tkp67 »


Shakabuku other schools in public to poach their practitioners by instilling doubt is just that. Why not help create a connection to the lotus for those who don't have one. With your superior practice you should have plenty of followers, more so than the SGI attracts. Or better yet prove how these differences in perspective burn the seeds of buddhism for those who practice them. Show empirically the causation. If you can't you are simply attempting to sowing doubt, the greatest slander of all against the Lotus Sutra.

You have never been able to answer me the times I confront you at face value. Perhaps you can display it by articulating the causation in these variations. Integrity is revealed in function.
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Re: I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by illarraza »

tkp67 wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:56 pm https://markrogow.blogspot.com/2013/06/ ... hokke.html

still beating an old drum?
Actually it is true. Nichiren sometimes used the writings of Shan-wu-wei, Annen and Jikaku. Were the votaries of the Lotus Sutra?
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Re: I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by tkp67 »

illarraza wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:21 pm
tkp67 wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:56 pm https://markrogow.blogspot.com/2013/06/ ... hokke.html

still beating an old drum?
Actually it is true. Nichiren sometimes used the writings of Shan-wu-wei, Annen and Jikaku. Were the votaries of the Lotus Sutra?
So are many things in the past. Why are you trying to make them permanent? What satisfaction or benefit do you perceive from it?
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Re: I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by illarraza »

Shotenzenjin wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 10:05 pm
illarraza wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:56 pm
Shotenzenjin wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:49 pm So you were excommunicated from the Kempon hokke? Or was it sgi? Or both?
No one can stop me from following in the footsteps of Lord Shakyamuni Buddha (Lotus Sutra/Gohonzon), Nichiren Daishonin, Nichiju Shonin, the Martyr Nikkyo*, and Nisshen, the "Pot Headed" Monk. I advise you to do the same.

Nikkyo too was excommunicated for 150 long years before being "rehabilitated". He caused too many problems for the Kempon Hokke by following in the footsteps of Nichiren and performing the forceful shakubuku and fuju fuse** practices.

Alright I'll take that to mean both

Are you a member of any sect/school now?
I am a member of the Buddha founded sect be they independents or sectarians. However, strict sectarians of whatever sect fail to follow Nichiren in word or deed. A differing Three Treasures, interfaith, and accumulating riches for preaching the Dharma are some examples.
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Re: I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by illarraza »

tkp67 wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:25 pm
illarraza wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:21 pm
tkp67 wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:56 pm https://markrogow.blogspot.com/2013/06/ ... hokke.html

still beating an old drum?
Actually it is true. Nichiren sometimes used the writings of Shan-wu-wei, Annen and Jikaku. Were the votaries of the Lotus Sutra?
So are many things in the past. Why are you trying to make them permanent? What satisfaction or benefit do you perceive from it?
It is worse today. This is Mappo. Tariq Hassan stated:

"You are not worthy of being a disciple of Sensei if you don't feel inspired to bring many people to see Sensei's videos."

Did he not disparage the disciples and believers of your Sensei? You are very capable of the Straw Man argument but without a clear mirror you can not see the reality of your sect.

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Re: I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by Shotenzenjin »

illarraza wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:44 pm
Shotenzenjin wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 10:05 pm
illarraza wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:56 pm

No one can stop me from following in the footsteps of Lord Shakyamuni Buddha (Lotus Sutra/Gohonzon), Nichiren Daishonin, Nichiju Shonin, the Martyr Nikkyo*, and Nisshen, the "Pot Headed" Monk. I advise you to do the same.

Nikkyo too was excommunicated for 150 long years before being "rehabilitated". He caused too many problems for the Kempon Hokke by following in the footsteps of Nichiren and performing the forceful shakubuku and fuju fuse** practices.

Alright I'll take that to mean both

Are you a member of any sect/school now?
I am a member of the Buddha founded sect be they independents or sectarians. However, strict sectarians of whatever sect fail to follow Nichiren in word or deed. A differing Three Treasures, interfaith, and accumulating riches for preaching the Dharma are some examples.
Thanks for answering
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Re: I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by tkp67 »

illarraza wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:52 pm
tkp67 wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:25 pm
illarraza wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:21 pm

Actually it is true. Nichiren sometimes used the writings of Shan-wu-wei, Annen and Jikaku. Were the votaries of the Lotus Sutra?
So are many things in the past. Why are you trying to make them permanent? What satisfaction or benefit do you perceive from it?
It is worse today. This is Mappo. Tariq Hassan stated:

"You are not worthy of being a disciple of Sensei if you don't feel inspired to bring many people to see Sensei's videos."

Did he not disparage the disciples and believers of your Sensei? You are very capable of the Straw Man argument but without a clear mirror you can not see the reality of your sect.

Mark you are underlining your ignorance not mine. There is no strawman nor do I selectively answer you. Let me be clear. I am not a participating member of any Nichiren organization so the reference you make is unknown to me. Your reaching is beyond delusional. I do have a physical person who I recognize as my teacher but I do not actively refuse to participate in sectarian bias. Their abstraction from organizations is no different than your own.

Past this I rightly recognize all phenomenon equally as my teacher and honor all who have been part of the propagation of the lotus in my life. This includes you. I did my due negligence in understanding the various positions of the schools and lay orginizaitons including yours. Of course everyone has their own way of disseminating these teachings which is the point of daimoku doing the real work as the teacher.

Using both Shakyamuni and Nichiren as my benchmark none were able to display a mastery over the lotus that they could teach it as is. The key statement that measures these teachings as I posited to you before. Needless to say you never answered.

If the arguments to compel the schools into unity through shakabuku fall flat in regards to emulating what Nichiren accomplished in his lifetime by what claim can anyone say they truly represent his teachings with the same verity?

If one can't avoid and overcome the biggest obstacles of the practice such as disunity among lotus adherents then there is fundamental lack in the process. Repeating it like a poison drum won't make the poison work any faster and doubting it will work is doubting the lotus which is the other complete measure upon which sectarian shakabuku fails from scriptural and empirical perspectives.
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Re: I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by illarraza »

Shotenzenjin wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:49 pm So you were excommunicated from the Kempon hokke? Or was it sgi? Or both?
Both. However, in asserting the succession or transmission through the scrolls of the Sutra (and writings of Nichiren) I am in complete accord with the founder of the Kempon Hokke, Nichiju Shonin and their martyrs such as Nikkyo Shonin who had his ears and nose cut off and his two young disciples killed, for refusing to chant the Nembutsu.
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Re: I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by illarraza »

tkp67 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 12:21 am
illarraza wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:52 pm
tkp67 wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:25 pm

So are many things in the past. Why are you trying to make them permanent? What satisfaction or benefit do you perceive from it?
It is worse today. This is Mappo. Tariq Hassan stated:

"You are not worthy of being a disciple of Sensei if you don't feel inspired to bring many people to see Sensei's videos."

Did he not disparage the disciples and believers of your Sensei? You are very capable of the Straw Man argument but without a clear mirror you can not see the reality of your sect.

Mark you are underlining your ignorance not mine. There is no strawman nor do I selectively answer you. Let me be clear. I am not a participating member of any Nichiren organization so the reference you make is unknown to me. Your reaching is beyond delusional. I do have a physical person who I recognize as my teacher but I do not actively refuse to participate in sectarian bias. Their abstraction from organizations is no different than your own.

Past this I rightly recognize all phenomenon equally as my teacher and honor all who have been part of the propagation of the lotus in my life. This includes you. I did my due negligence in understanding the various positions of the schools and lay orginizaitons including yours. Of course everyone has their own way of disseminating these teachings which is the point of daimoku doing the real work as the teacher.

Using both Shakyamuni and Nichiren as my benchmark none were able to display a mastery over the lotus that they could teach it as is. The key statement that measures these teachings as I posited to you before. Needless to say you never answered.

If the arguments to compel the schools into unity through shakabuku fall flat in regards to emulating what Nichiren accomplished in his lifetime by what claim can anyone say they truly represent his teachings with the same verity?

If one can't avoid and overcome the biggest obstacles of the practice such as disunity among lotus adherents then there is fundamental lack in the process. Repeating it like a poison drum won't make the poison work any faster and doubting it will work is doubting the lotus which is the other complete measure upon which sectarian shakabuku fails from scriptural and empirical perspectives.
Apparently, you don't perform the forceful practices, except towards QQ and me. Disunity in the Nichiren Sangha has lasted for 700+ years. Elsewhere, I have delineated the causes. You ask me, who is following me? Who is following you? Are you the great unifier? I maintain that Nichiren and Shakyamuni Buddha of the Lotus Sutra are they who can unify the sangha. I, as Nichiren, maintain that we should all have the same Three Treasures and Three Great Secret Laws, chant the same Daimoku, Namu myoho renge kyo, with some chanting Namu Myoho renge kyo and others Nam Myoho renge kyo how can there be unity? You would be better off admonishing the Soka Gakkai for hating on the Nichiren Shoshu priests or the Nichiren Shoshu hating on the Nichiren Shu. I never took so much as a dime from anyone. You should admonish the leaders of the Gakkai and the priests who live in the lap of luxury. I am no one. The Lotus Sutra and Nichiren are who should be followed.
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Re: I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by Minobu »

Really good piece

thanks ..every now and then i start dreaming about the good ole days ...
and then need to be reminded of their manifestos
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Re: I don't always agree with Rev. Tsuchiya, in fact he excommunicated me...

Post by tkp67 »

illarraza wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 2:07 amApparently, you don't perform the forceful practices, except towards QQ and me. Disunity in the Nichiren Sangha has lasted for 700+ years. Elsewhere, I have delineated the causes. You ask me, who is following me? Who is following you? Are you the great unifier? I maintain that Nichiren and Shakyamuni Buddha of the Lotus Sutra are they who can unify the sangha. I, as Nichiren, maintain that we should all have the same Three Treasures and Three Great Secret Laws, chant the same Daimoku, Namu myoho renge kyo, with some chanting Namu Myoho renge kyo and others Nam Myoho renge kyo. You would be better off admonishing the Soka Gakkai for hating on the Nichiren Shoshu priests or the Nichiren shoshu hating on the Nichiren Shu. I never took so much as a dime from anyone. You should admonish the leaders of the Gakkai and the priests who live in the lap of luxury. I am no one. The Lotus Sutra and Nichiren are who you should follow.

Forceful practices? I am simply honest reporting reality in a way that I can easily articulate and point to the teachings where that meaning is derived.

Saying disunity is reasonable because it has existed while denying the Goshos references that say otherwise is grossly manipulative. If you can't show Nichiren put conditions on transcending differences and practicing with one mind your derision based on decades old materials is inappropriate at best.

When you profess such reverence for Shakyamuni then deny his direct teachings on the matter it is as if you are placing the lotus under your knee.

Who is following you? Google the topics and see how often inter school conflict is a part of the feedback. I know you very well from your outspoken internet persona. Reddit. Alt.google. Blogs. The internet is my domain friend. I am very sensitive to the conflicting information and how it turns people away from the tradition.

Who am I? Someone who suffered enough to know those who try to appropriate a teaching without truly understanding equanimity and compassion. Someone who understands these teachings in such a way that I can contest when someone slanders the dharma by projecting the superiority of their own mental facilities as the awakened state. One of the most common cognitive biases of highly educated. You didn't forget our private conversations did you?

I am also reasonable enough to understand that in 2020 all the various Nichiren interests, regardless of perspective have a bond with the Lotus Sutra because of Nichiren and that the diversity that exist reflects the causes, capacity and condition of the people.

I am also more than willing and capable of discussing the variations from the perspective of the four standards which leads to the grand disappointment of those who don't attempt to do so. Remember Nichiren developed a teaching that would appeal alike from the least to the most capable. His equanimity and compassion were equivalent to that of Shakyamuni.

These measures as well as the standards were left so anyone could proof a teacher's perspective on their teachings. They both encouraged as such.

So I guess I am someone whose confidence in these teachings isn't so easily dismissed by the doubt of others.
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